At High Beech Church of England Primary School, we want our children to be happy, independent individuals, who have the skills to make a valuable contribution to society and to thrive in a constantly changing world.
Our curriculum is driven not only by our educational aims but also by our Christian values: Thankfulness, to show our appreciation for our community and the world God created. Respect, to each other and the natural world, particularly our local forest environment. Perseverance, to develop resilience and face challenges presented by the modern world to be the best we can be. We intend our curriculum to serve the diverse needs of all our pupils, to reflect our local context and help children to reach their full potential. We aim to ensure that teaching and learning is bespoke to the diverse needs of our learners and demonstrates a strong understanding about the specific skills and knowledge needed for them to succeed in class, school, home, community and life beyond school.
One of our central aims is to overcome individual barriers to learning, providing personalised pathways for progression and success. Our curriculum is a broad and balanced one; one which opens doors to future success and promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of all our pupils. It encompasses the requirements of Development Matters, the Early Year Foundation Stage Profile and the National Curriculum and will also take advantage of the unique opportunities of our forest setting, as well as enhancing our children’s learning through wider opportunities e.g. visits, experience days/weeks and residential trips.
We will deliver appropriate and ambitious possibilities and experiences to enable our pupils to become confident and responsible citizens. We will provide the necessary ‘cultural capital’ to give our children the vital background knowledge required to be thoughtful members of our community, and the wider world. Cultural capital is gained through exposure to a wide variety of texts; rich and varied subject specific, academic and literary vocabulary; wide general knowledge; possibilities of experiencing the arts (theatre, museums and music) and an understanding of British values.
We will provide a coherent, structured and inclusive curriculum which leads to sustained mastery of a broad spectrum of subject topics, inspiring children to nurture a passion for learning and enabling them to become successful, self-sufficient and motivated thinkers and learners.